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DashGL is a site devoted to resources for learning hardware accerlated graphics using C on Linux. The site offers a number of project-based tutorials where you start from a simple Hello-World example and build up to a working project.

Latest Posts

Filling out the DashGL site redesign

Making some progress with the DashGL site redesign. I've managed to get the basic functionality of the tutorials working. So from the landing page we have a list of the three most recent tutorials, and you can change the page to a list of tutorials. From the list of tutorials, you can't filter which tutorial you are looking for, but right now with a limited number of tutorials, that functionality is not a high pririty. Once you click on a tutorial, you can see the table of contents for that tutorial, and then you can click on a less to see that lession specifically.

DashGL GatsbyJs Revisions

Right now I'm working on creating a Github pages hosted version of the DashGL web site with GatsbyJs. I think that this should allow me to separate managing the tutorials with managing the web site. If I can set up the website around a specific set of rules, I can focus on writing turorials using MarkDown in Github Readme's and then I can simply re-generate the site with new content. I've finished blocking out the site. And as we go along, I'll simplify and get rid of tags that aren't really doing anything. Since we're done

First Note with Hackmd.io

I've been thinking about making updates to DashGL. And I think the format that I want to use is split the web site between a blog and tutorials. For the tutorials, I can have each tutorial have its own Github / Gitlab repository. The root of the repository would have a readme file that contains a table of contents for all of the steps and a abstract / description of the project. Each step in the tutorial would be given by a folder in the repository. Each

Latest Tutorials

EGL Model

In this tutorial we use EGL to render everything from the command line without starting a window environment. We start with a few basic primitives and work our way up to rendering a simple 3d model

Gtk Brickout

In this tutorial we make a Brickout clone using the GTK window library and OpenGL 3.0. We create a very simple game using only primitives drawn with shaders as an easy place to get started.

GTK Astroids

In this tutorial we make an Astroids clone using the GTK window libary and OpenGL 3.0. We use square sprites and introduce rotations to create a simple game.

Format Support

Import Mesh
Import Textures
Import Material
Import Bones
Import Animations

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Card title

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Card title

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Last updated 3 mins ago

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Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute these examples for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.


Reddit : u/kion_dgl

Email : kion@dashgl.com

Twitter : @kion_dgl

Copyright © 2016 - 2021 DashGL Project